After an evaluation with Dr. Nicolas Gallegos, it may be decided that a tooth extraction is necessary for several different reasons. Teeth that have a poor prognosis often need to be extracted for the following reasons: advanced dental decay, severe periodontal disease, and cracks or fractures that are unable to be repaired by a dental restoration.

Removing a tooth often impacts the rest of your mouth and may affect the way you chew and talk, impact the stability of your jaw joint and cause surrounding teeth to shift. Because of this, alternatives to replace the tooth will be discussed before the tooth is removed. Our staff will offer several options for replacement and make sure your dental experience is a positive one.

How Is the Tooth Extracted?

Proper planning is important, which is why our dentist will first take an X-ray of the tooth in preparation for the extraction. After numbing the area with a local anesthetic, our dentist will gently start the process of removing the tooth.

You will feel pressure as the tooth is carefully rocked back and forth to widen its socket, but you should not experience any pain. If you do feel severe discomfort, inform our dentist immediately so we can address your needs.

Following the removal of the tooth, we will place gauze into the empty tooth socket to help initiate the healing process. We will ask you to maintain pressure on the gauze by biting down, and if needed, our dentist may add stiches to close the socket completely.


Post-Care Instructions:

It is important to take care of your mouth after the extraction process. Remember to bite down on the gauze for 30 to 45 minutes after your appointment. This will help form a blood clot at the extraction site, which will stop the bleeding as your mouth begins to heal. You may need to place another gauze pad after another 30 minutes if the bleeding persists. Continue this cycle several times until the bleeding stops.

Once the clot forms, be careful not to disrupt the extraction site for the next 72 hours. Avoid brushing teeth in the affected area, forceful rinsing, smoking, drinking alcohol or sucking through straws. We recommend refraining from physical exercise for the next 24 hours, which will help prevent higher blood pressure and more bleeding.

It is normal to feel discomfort and have mild swelling after the tooth is removed. Inflammation is common and can be addressed by applying an ice pack on the side of the face where the tooth has been extracted. Swelling usually subsides after 48 hours.

If you experience increased discomfort or the swelling worsens over time, call our office. Our dentist may prescribe antibiotics if needed. Remember to drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods after your extraction takes place. Once your mouth has healed and you feel comfortable eating normally, you may do so.

You may return to your normal dental routine 24 hours after the procedure, which would include brushing and flossing. Maintaining this routine will help keep your mouth clean and encourage faster healing.

Contact our office in Spokane, Washington, at 509-327-8681 to learn more about tooth extractions and schedule a consultation at our office.