Dental Examination

Dental exams give Dr. Nicolas Gallegos the opportunity to evaluate your current methods of home dental care and provide recommendations for oral hygiene in order to protect you from complications such as cavities and gum disease. It also gives us the chance to complete an oral cancer screening to help identify any suspicious dental pathology. The dental exam includes a series of X-rays, a tooth-by-tooth evaluation and an assesment of your current gum health. Our goal is to take a conservative approach to dental care; this way, you are less likely to develop serious dental problems, which helps prevent complex treatment.


Why is preventative care so important?

Preventative care is a cooperative effort by the patient, dentist and dental staff to maintain the natural dentition and supporting structures. The goal is to prevent the onset, progress and recurrence of dental diseases. Our team will provide a detailed cleaning to remove any residual surface stains, plaque or calculus deposits.

Preventing dental disease starts at home with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. It is continued in the dental office by the efforts of our dentist and dental hygienist to promote, restore and maintain your oral health. Sealants and fluoride are also great preventative treatments that help protect the teeth.

Dental exams, cleanings and X-rays in Spokane, Washington, are recommended every six months. Hygiene visits allow us to identify any dental concerns and help avoid serious and costly dental problems, which is the key to having a healthy and beautiful smile. Contact Nicolas Gallegos, DDS General Dentistry today at 509-327-8681 to learn more and schedule an appointment.


What to expect at your first visit